Saturday 24 May 2014

On vérifie... Present tense

Can you fill in the gaps with the correct for of the verb between brackets?

1. J’_________ beaucoup facebook (utiliser)
Tu __________ les photos (regarder)
3. Elle _________
ses devoirs (finir)
Vous ___________ vos parents (attendre)
Ils ___________ toujours les fruits (choisir)
6. Sarah ________
peu d’emails (envoyer)
Lucie et Martin _________ surfer sur internet (adorer)
Tu _________ quoi sur ebay? (vendre)
9. Nous __________
souvent nos profiles (modifier)
10. Laura en
moi ______________ twitter (détester)

1. I use facebook a lot.
2. You are watching the pictures.
3. She finishes her homework.
4. You are waiting for your parents.
5. They always choose the fruit.
6. Sarah sends few emails.
7. Lucie and Martin love to surf on the internet.
8. What are you selling on ebay?
9. We often update our profiles.
10. Laura and I hate twitter.

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